Anatolia Cor is an open access e-journal. The open access policy is based on the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) guidelines.
Anatolia Cor journal is an international, double-blind refereed, scientific journal that publishes articles in the fields of medicine and health sciences.
Articles sent to Anatolia Cor journal must be in Turkish or English.
The similarity rate of articles sent to Anatolia Cor journal must be below 20%.
For all studies conducted on humans and experimental animals, Ethics Committee approval must be obtained, ethical approval must be stated in the method section of the article, and the ethical approval document must be uploaded to the system. In addition, it should be stated in the method section of the article that international declarations, guidelines, etc. principles are followed.
The ethical and biostatistical responsibility of each study belongs unilaterally to the author(s). Anatolia Cor journal cannot be held under any obligation in this regard.
For all kinds of articles sent to Anatolia Cor journal, they accept and declare that they comply with Anatolia Cor journal's "Author Rules", all conditions in the journal, and that the authors have transferred all publishing rights to Anatolia Cor journal indefinitely.
Submitted manuscripts must describe original data that has not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
Authors are required to disclose any conflicts of interest that may have affected their research or the preparation and writing of their article.
In order for the author to have authorship rights, all authors must have directly participated in the work described in the article.
The final decision for all submitted articles belongs to the Editor-in-Chief.
Research Requiring Ethics Committee Approval:
When sending an article to Anatolia Cor journal, the following documents must be sent:
Full Text File (Main Text)
Plagiarism Report
Ethical Committee Approval (If necessary)
For article submissions, the MAIN TEXT file must be in plain Word Format. Table, figure etc. The information should also be sent within the main text file, placed in the appropriate place within the text. In addition, the main text file should not contain identification information of the authors or any information that would reveal the author's identity to the referees.
Articles should be organized according to the following information.
A structured abstract of not more than 250 words is required. Abstracts of all articles except case reports should consist of Introduction, Objective, Method, Results and Conclusion sections.
Keywords should consist of at least three and maximum six words. The first letter of each keyword should be capitalized and separated by a comma, and a period should be placed after the last keyword.
Main Text
The main text of an original article should be divided into INTRODUCTION, METHOD, RESULTS, DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION sections. Abbreviations should be defined after their first use in the abstract, main text, figures and tables. Only commonly accepted abbreviations should be used. Units of measurement must comply with the International System; however, it can be used in traditional units when clinical data are deemed more appropriate. Systematic Review and Meta-analysis articles should have the same formatted design as original articles.
Review articles should be studies on current and need-oriented issues in the field of health sciences, using national and international literature, discussions on the subject and the opinions of the author / authors. It should be maximum 2500 words. The main text of a review article should be structured as "INTRODUCTION, SUBTITLES RELATED TO THE SUBJECT and CONCLUSION".
Case reports should be studies that include cases involving important clinical experiences in the field. They should be maximum 2000 words. The main text of a case report should be structured as "INTRODUCTION, CASE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION".
Letters to the Editor; These are articles that contain opinions, contributions, questions about the articles published in the journal or create a preliminary discussion on a current and interesting topic and do not have an abstract section. They should be maximum 1000 words. In letters to the editor, the name of the article referred to, the issue and date of publication should be specified, and the name, institution and address of the person writing the letter should be given.
References should be arranged according to the examples given below.
Last names and initials of the first names of the authors. Article Title. Short name of the journal. Year; volume (issue): pages. Doi number if any. If the number of authors is between 1-6, all names should be written. If there are more than 6 authors, names of the first three of them should be written and then you should continue with "et al.", and "ve ark." in Turkish resources.
Erdolu B, As AK, Engin M. The Relationship between the HATCH Score, Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio and Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation After Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery. Heart Surg Forum. 2020;23(1):E088-E092. doi:10.1532/hsf.2771
Naruka V, Salmasi MY, Arjomandi Rad A, et al. Use of Cytokine Filters During Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Heart Lung Circ. 2022;31(11):1493-1503. doi:10.1016/j.hlc.2022.07.015
Whole Book : Last names and initials of the first names of the authors. Book title. Edition of the book (if there are 2 or more editions). Country of the publisher: Publisher's name; Year published.
Netter FH. Atlas Of Human Anatomy. 7th. USA: Elsevier; 2018.
Book Chapter: Last names and initials of the first names of the authors. Book chapter title. Inside: Book title. Last name(s) and initials of first names of the editor(s) (Ed). Edition of the book (if there are 2 or more editions). Country of the Publisher: Publisher's name; Year published: Pages.
Solak H, Görmüş N. Kalbin Cerrahi Anatomisi. İçinde: Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi. Paç M, Akçevin A, Aka S.A, Büket S, Sarıoğlu T (Ed.). 2. Baskı. Türkiye: Medikal Network Nobel Kitabevi; 2013. S:1-22.
Internet Document:
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sağlık Bakanlığı. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey. (Erişim tarihi:24.03.2023)
Anatolia Cor is an open access e-journal. The open access policy is based on the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) guidelines.