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About the Journal

E-ISSN: 3023-5413

Journal name: Anatolia Cor

Alternative journal name: Anatolia Cor - International Heart Journal

Publication language: Turkish and English

Publication period: Three issues per year (Every four months) (April, August and December). It can also publish special or additional issues.

Publication type: Research article, reviews, case report, letter to the editor, research note, summary or book review.

Publication fields: Cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, perfusion, cardiac and cardiovascular nursing, cardiovascular anesthesia and related science fields.

Anatolia Cor is a double-blind peer-reviewed, scientific, academic, open access and online journal.

Indexing & Abstracting: Anatolia Cor journal is included in many national and international indexes. For the list of indexes, click on the indexes tab.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Anatolia Cor
View All Issues

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